Degree Programs
The undergraduate program is approved as teacher education certification program. To protect students’ career choices, two tracks are offered: teacher certification training and non-teacher certification training. Students in the teacher certification track require professional qualifications for special education teachers with 138 credits. Students in the non-teacher certification don’t require special education teacher certification courses, and therefore are required only 128 credits. Students in the department can further specialize in education for students with disabilities, students with intellectually giftedness or talents, or a combination of two majors. According to their career interests, students can also pursue minors or dual majors in other subjects to develop special education professionals.
The curriculum has three characteristics: 1) A core curriculum comprising courses required for all students; 2) An emphasis on both teaching materials and methods and practical courses to integrate theoretical and practical learning; and 3) Mandatory student community service to enhance student social participation and social awareness.
Theory and practice are equally valued in all the courses in the graduate programs (master and doctoral), which are divided into the disability and giftedness tracks. Each semester, a seminar is held on one special education topic. Introducing the trends, and relevance of a topic, scholars and experts from various fields are invited to share their professional experiences and research findings. Both faculty and students participate in these seminars to create an academic atmosphere and implement situational education.